News — turmeric

Why healthy foods can be unhealthy for eczema (Th2 explained)

caffeine eczema green tea TH1 TH2 turmeric

Why healthy foods can be unhealthy for eczema (Th2 explained)

This information is the opposite of what many bloggers recommend for eczema. And it's a common mistake practitioners have been making for years when treating eczema and other types of skin inflammation.  In fact, I made some of these mistakes when I first became a health practitioner many years ago, mainly because the research I am discussing is new. Like all scientists, I'm willing to be wrong in order to get to the truth. But often we get stuck 'defending our herbal prescriptions' rather than changing them when the new research demands it.  As I'm a nutritionist specialising in eczema, I receive hundreds of emails...

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List of food additives to avoid

food additives to avoid turmeric

List of food additives to avoid

You may have heard of ‘chemical sensitivity’ or ‘chemical intolerance’... If you are sensitive to chemicals you might adversely react to perfumes, household cleaning products and the chlorine in your pool. You could also be sensitive to food colourings, artificial favourings and preservatives. People with eczema, rosacea, psoriasis or asthma are often sensitive to food additives but it can be hard to know which ones are tame and which ones are to blame (for the itch!).  So what types of food additives should you avoid? Use this page to check the food chemicals in your foods. You can do this...

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