
Why healthy foods can be unhealthy for eczema (Th2 explained)

caffeine eczema green tea TH1 TH2 turmeric

Why healthy foods can be unhealthy for eczema (Th2 explained)

This information is the opposite of what many bloggers recommend for eczema. And it's a common mistake practitioners have been making for years when treating eczema and other types of skin inflammation.  In fact, I made some of these mistakes when I first became a health practitioner many years ago, mainly because the research I am discussing is new. Like all scientists, I'm willing to be wrong in order to get to the truth. But often we get stuck 'defending our herbal prescriptions' rather than changing them when the new research demands it.  As I'm a nutritionist specialising in eczema, I receive hundreds of emails...

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How I beat my eczema: Tips from an eczema sufferer

How I beat my eczema the eczema diet

How I beat my eczema: Tips from an eczema sufferer

"Earlier this year, in my mid 30s, I developed pretty bad eczema and on my face of all places. It was in 3 patches - my forehead, the right side of my face and a large stain on my right cheek. Sometimes my eyes were included in the mix. I’ve never really been an eczema sufferer, but know there has been a history of it in my family.  I began to try everything from Aloe Vera gel, borage oil, creams, any thing and everything that seems to be a magical remedy to the condition. Nothing worked, the frustration made the...

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List of food additives to avoid

food additives to avoid turmeric

List of food additives to avoid

You may have heard of ‘chemical sensitivity’ or ‘chemical intolerance’... If you are sensitive to chemicals you might adversely react to perfumes, household cleaning products and the chlorine in your pool. You could also be sensitive to food colourings, artificial favourings and preservatives. People with eczema, rosacea, psoriasis or asthma are often sensitive to food additives but it can be hard to know which ones are tame and which ones are to blame (for the itch!).  So what types of food additives should you avoid? Use this page to check the food chemicals in your foods. You can do this...

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Is eczema an autoimmune disease?

allergies atopic dermatitis autoimmune eczema salicylate sensitivity

Is eczema an autoimmune disease?

Eczema is an itchy skin condition that can be painful and chronic. Eczema sufferers commonly have allergies and consuming a food you are allergic to elicits an IgE immune system response. The result is itchy, inflamed skin.  However avoiding your diagnosed allergy foods does not usually fix your eczema (or it only partially helps). So researchers in Vienna hypothesise that because the immune response can still occur after the allergy foods are avoided eczema “could be autoimmune" (Valenta 2009). A drug company recently declared that "eczema is an autoimmune disease". And they stand to profit greatly from their findings. Their patented drug will hit the market (if it...

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Nutritionist discovers eczema breakthrough

atopic dermatitis eczema The Eczema Diet treatment

Nutritionist discovers eczema breakthrough

Reporter: Dr. Andrew Rochford According to 7 News, "Groundbreaking research has revealed that diet could hold the key to an eczema cure."  "An Australian nutritionist has made a major breakthrough by identifying specific foods that clear it up, allowing sufferers to avoid years of discomfort."  Prior to her treatment last year, 12-year-old eczema sufferer Georgie Broos was in agony with the cruel condition. “My eczema, it felt really bad, I couldn't do anything. I would scratch at night, I would cry, I couldn't go to sleep,” Georgie told 7 News. Her arms and legs itching and covered with red eczema,...

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